Open source modules

LIAISON is based on a modular architecture
we actively contribute to open source code…



Platforms and pipelines

We participate in the governance of the MATSim platform

We are maintaining the eqasim platform

We lead a research community on synthetic populations

Latest publications

Improving the generation of synthetic travel demand using origin–destination matrices from mobile phone dataB Matet, E Côme, A Furno, S Hörl, L Oukhellou, NE El FaouziTransportation, 1-332024
Towards simulation-based assessment of CCAM Airport Access ServicesS Declercq, S Hörl, T Chouaki26th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2024)2024
On the Computation of Accessibility Provided by Shared On-Demand MobilityS Diepolder, A Araldo, T Chouaki, S Maiti, S Hörl, C Antoniou2024
Graph Neural Network Approach to Predict the Effects of Road Capacity Reduction Policies: A Case Study for Paris, FranceE Natterer, R Engelhardt, S Hörl, K BogenbergerarXiv preprint arXiv:2408.067622024
The FeederDrt extension: simulation of intermodal on-demand services acting as feeders for public transitT Chouaki, S HörlMATSim User Meeting 20242024
Household Vehicle Sharing in MATSimH Rewald, S Axer, S Hörl, IRT SystemXMATSim User Meeting 20242024
Towards an integrated approach for the automatic design of feeder bus lines using agent-based simulation and combinatorial optimizationT Chouaki, S Declerq, S HörlThe 12th Symposium of the European Association for Research in …2024
Comparative assessment of fairness in on-demand fleet management algorithmsT Chouaki, S HörlThe 12th Symposium of the European Association for Research in …2024
On-Demand Autonomous Vehicles in Berlin: A Cost–Benefit AnalysisF Carreyre, T Chouaki, N Coulombel, J Berrada, L Bouillaut, S HörlTransportation research record 2678 (5), 13-302024
Discrete choice modeling with anonymized dataM Balac, S Hörl, B SchmidTransportation 51 (2), 351-3702024
On-demand Autonomous Vehicles in a periurban territory: a Cost Benefit AnalysisF Carreyre, T Chouaki, N Coulombel, J Berrada, L Bouillaut, S HörlThe 103rd Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting2024
Assessing the impact of monetary incentives for walking using agent-based mobility simulations and discrete mode choice modelsT Chouaki, LMR Madrigal, S HörlThe 103rd Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting2024
Evaluating prebooked on-demand mobility services using MATSimS Hörl, T Chouaki, O Ludwig, H Rewald, S AxerProcedia Computer Science 238, 763-7702024
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